We are honoured to be invited to contribute a session to the Windows 10 Summit Virtual Event which was held May 30, 2019. Readiness presented our session “Patching at Full Throttle” featuring CEO Greg Lambert in a lively and informative discussion about maintaining security, compliance, and compatibility while patching faster than ever before. Presented by our partner Ivanti, the free virtual event started at 8am with a keynote by four talented Microsoft product managers and continued with five additional informative presentations.
It has never been more important to keep up-to-date with patching. Nor have the challenges with doing so at the speed required to mitigate security risks, and maintain compliance with corporate standards. Greg discussed these challenges, and some of the new generation of tools available to IT managers for assessing, remediating and converting their application portfolio at a rate necessary to achieve continual application readiness. He demonstrated how to know not just what must be patched, but will happen if you do. Viewers learned how to drive farther, faster.
Here’s a breakdown of the topics presented. We’ll be posting individual clips of each topic later but for now, you can watch the full presentation below.
- Introduction
- What does “patching at full throttle mean”?
- 4 Methods for dealing with patching
- Do nothing (statistical gamble)
- Test everything (manually)
- Telemetry
- Algorithmic assessment
- What is algorithmic assessment?
- Benefits of algorithmic assessment
- Challenges to building an algorithmic assessment tool
- What’s so special about Readiness?
- A self-learning system
- Nothing to install
- No infrastructure needed
- Key elements of readiness
- How it works
- Loading applications
- What happens once files are loaded
- Expanding files and metadata
- Comparison to 300K rules
- The types of rules being checked
- The benefits of cloud-based algorithmic assessment
- The value of a self-learning system
- How it compares to a non-learning system
- What’s unique about Readiness
- What-if analysis and prediction
- The value of a self-learning system
- Demo of Readiness