Zaptz Joins the Readiness Platform Partner Ecosystem

Greg Lambert
August 15, 2023
1 minute

It is both a pleasure and a privilege to welcome the Zaptz team to the Readiness “Platform” ecosystem

We have been working with Zaptz from the early days of Readiness. Zaptz has been a key player in application packaging and in the server management space. With Zaptz’s accelerated Discovery and Migration Planning tools as well as accelerated Modernization and Migration services our clients are able to move from concept to ANY Cloud consumption quickly with very low risk.

The automated application discovery and server management integration with Readiness will offer unprecedented support for existing legacy Microsoft servers and facilitate rapid, low-risk migrations to more modern server platforms such as Windows Server 2022/23.

You can check out our partner page found here.

And you can out more about Zaptz on their website.

Greg Lambert

CEO, Product Evangelist
Greg Lambert is the CEO and product evangelist for Application Readiness Inc. Greg is a co-founder of ChangeBASE and has considerable experience with application packaging technology and its deployment.

Planning business modernization projects?

  • Windows 10/11 migration
  • MS server 2022
  • Migration to Azure

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